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Day 2
Saturday June 11th 2016, 3:20 am
Filed under: Uncategorized


We are home. A little bruised, a little teary, however walking around a little bit and getting his land legs back.
Onwards and Upwards from here for Mickey. xx

4 Comments so far


What’s your story sweet boy? Why the amputation? How old? Tell us more!

Yeah, your surgery site looks very bruised a d painful. .aybe placing a bag of frozen peas (or something similar) for a few minjtes over a towel and on the incison area could help. You can email a photo to your vet if you’re concerned.

Take some deep breaths, try and get some rest, and just know recovery doesn’t last forever!

Stay connected and let us know how we can help. Update when you can AND with more pictures of your precious Mickey!

Lots and lots of hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


   benny55 on 06.11.16 @ 5:02 am    Reply

Mickey had an X-ray recently because He had hurt his leg in a little fall. The vet saw a very degenerated bone which could have been cancer or a bone infection. We get the results later next week. Rather than go through a biopsy it was a decision by both of his vets and my mum to get rid of the leg. Day by day so far. Little bit wobbly.
Great idea with the frozen peas x

   laurens87 on 06.11.16 @ 6:35 am    Reply

Good decision! We’ve seen some go through biopsies that are VERY painful, often times get infected and still have inconclusive results! That painful leg is gone!

I have to keep coming back to look at his pictures because he is so darn cute!!! 🙂

Stay connected and keep us updated.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

   benny55 on 06.11.16 @ 5:56 pm    Reply

Yay! So happy little man is home!!

Lisa and Pofi

   hester on 06.12.16 @ 4:14 am    Reply

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